Top 10 Informal Expressions in Spanish from Spain
When it comes to learning Spanish, most people focus on the formal language used in books and classrooms. However, if you really want to speak like a native, you need to learn the informal expressions that are used in everyday conversation. In this article, we will be discussing the top 10 informal expressions in Spanish from Spain that you should know.
1. ¡Qué guay!
“¡Qué guay!” is a very common expression in Spain and it means “How cool!” or “That’s awesome!” This expression is often used when someone is excited about something or when they think something is impressive.
2. Me flipa
“Me flipa” is another informal expression that is commonly used in Spain. It means “I love it” or “I’m crazy about it.” This expression is often used when someone is very enthusiastic about something or when they really enjoy doing something.
3. Vale
“Vale” is a versatile word that can mean many different things depending on the context. It can mean “Okay,” “All right,” “Agreed,” or “Understood.” This expression is used very frequently in Spain and it is often used as a way of acknowledging that you have understood what someone has said.
4. Tío/Tía
“Tío” (for men) or “Tía” (for women) is a colloquial way of referring to someone. It can be translated as “Dude,” “Mate,” or “Pal.” This expression is often used between friends or acquaintances.
5. Ser la leche
“Ser la leche” is a slang expression that means “To be great” or “To be awesome.” This expression is often used to describe something or someone that is impressive or cool.
6. Dar la lata
“Dar la lata” is an expression that means “To be a pain” or “To be annoying.” This expression is often used when someone is bothering you or when someone is asking you for something that you don’t want to give.
7. Estar en la luna
“Estar en la luna” is a colloquial expression that means “To be spaced out” or “To be absent-minded.” This expression is often used when someone is not paying attention or when they are daydreaming.
8. Flipar en colores
“Flipar en colores” is a slang expression that means “To be blown away” or “To be amazed.” This expression is often used when someone is very impressed by something.
9. Pedo
“Pedo” is a slang expression that means “Drunk.” This expression is often used when someone has had too much to drink.
10. Chulo/a
“Chulo/a” is a slang expression that can mean many different things depending on the context. It can mean “Cool,” “Cute,” “Handsome,” or “Arrogant.” This expression is often used to describe someone’s appearance or personality.
In conclusion, learning the informal expressions used in everyday conversation is an important part of becoming fluent in Spanish. By using these expressions, you can sound more natural and communicate more effectively with native speakers. So go ahead and try out some of these expressions the next time you’re in Spain!
Are these informal expressions only used in Spain?
No, these informal expressions are used in many Spanish-speaking countries, but they may have different meanings or usage depending on the country.
Is it necessary to learn these informal expressions in order to speak Spanish fluently?
No, it is not necessary to learn these informal expressions to speak Spanish fluently, but they can help you sound more natural and communicate more effectively with native speakers.
Can these expressions be used in formal settings?
No, these expressions are considered informal and should not be used in formal settings such as job interviews or business meetings.
Are there regional differences in the usage of these expressions?
Yes, there may be regional differences in the usage and meaning of these expressions, so it’s important to be aware of the context in which they are used.
Are there any other informal expressions that are commonly used in Spain?
Yes, there are many other informal expressions used in Spain, and learning them can help you better understand and communicate with native speakers.