Top 10 Idioms in Spanish from Spain
Top 10 Idioms in Spanish from Spain
If you’re learning Spanish, you may have come across some expressions that seem strange or confusing. These expressions are known as idioms, and they are an important part of any language. In Spanish, there are many idioms that are used in everyday conversation, and they can be tricky to understand if you’re not familiar with them. In this article, we will explore the top 10 idioms in Spanish from Spain.
1. Estar en la luna
Literal translation: To be on the moon Meaning: To be absent-minded or daydreaming
This expression is used when someone is not paying attention or is distracted by their thoughts. It’s similar to the English expression “to be in la-la land.”
2. Tomar el pelo
Literal translation: To take the hair Meaning: To pull someone’s leg or to joke around
This expression is used when someone is joking or teasing another person. It’s similar to the English expression “to pull someone’s leg.”
3. Echar una mano
Literal translation: To throw a hand Meaning: To lend a hand or to help out
This expression is used when someone offers to help another person. It’s similar to the English expression “to lend a hand.”
4. Estar como una cabra
Literal translation: To be like a goat Meaning: To be crazy or to act foolishly
This expression is used to describe someone who is acting in a crazy or foolish way. It’s similar to the English expression “to be out of one’s mind.”
5. Dar en el clavo
Literal translation: To hit the nail Meaning: To hit the nail on the head or to be correct
This expression is used when someone says something that is exactly right or accurate. It’s similar to the English expression “to hit the nail on the head.”
6. Ser pan comido
Literal translation: To be eaten bread Meaning: To be a piece of cake or to be easy
This expression is used when something is very easy to do. It’s similar to the English expression “to be a piece of cake.”
7. Meter la pata
Literal translation: To put the foot in Meaning: To put one’s foot in one’s mouth or to make a mistake
This expression is used when someone says or does something that is embarrassing or inappropriate. It’s similar to the English expression “to put one’s foot in one’s mouth.”
8. Estar al loro
Literal translation: To be at the parrot Meaning: To be aware or to be alert
This expression is used when someone needs to be aware or alert about something. It’s similar to the English expression “to be on the lookout.”
9. No tener pelos en la lengua
Literal translation: To not have hairs on the tongue Meaning: To speak one’s mind or to be blunt
This expression is used to describe someone who speaks their mind without holding back. It’s similar to the English expression “to speak one’s mind.”
10. Costar un ojo de la cara
Literal translation: To cost an eye from the face Meaning: To be very expensive or to cost an arm and a leg
This expression is used when something is very expensive. It’s similar to the English expression “to cost an arm and a leg.”
Learning these idioms will not only help you understand Spanish better but also make you sound more like a native speaker. Try using them in your conversations, and you’ll impress your Spanish-speaking friends!