50 Essential Spanish Verbs to Transform Your Speaking
Learning a new language involves not only understanding vocabulary but also mastering the essential Spanish verbs that form the foundation of any sentence. In Spanish, these verbs can transform the way you express yourself, allowing you to communicate with greater fluency and precision. Below, you’ll find 50 essential Spanish verbs organized by categories, which will help you enhance your language skills.
Essential Spanish Verbs to Express Help and Support

1. Ayudar (To Help)
This verb is fundamental for offering assistance to others. Example: “I’m going to help my brother study for his exam.”
2. Colaborar (To Collaborate)
It involves working together with others to achieve a common goal. Example: “Everyone on the team collaborated to complete the project.”
3. Apoyar (To Support)
You use this verb when giving emotional or material support to someone. Example: “I will support your decision, whatever it may be.”
4. Rescatar (To Rescue)
You rescue someone from a dangerous or difficult situation. Example: “The rescue team got the lost hiker out of the mountain.”
5. Socorrer (To Assist in an Emergency)
Use this verb to describe helping in an emergency or critical situation. Example: “The paramedic assisted the injured after the accident.”
Essential Spanish Verbs to Express Emotions and Moods

6. Sentir (To Feel)
You use this verb to express an emotion or sensation. It’s a basic verb for communicating how you feel. Example: “I feel very sad about the news.”
7. Apreciar (To Appreciate)
To recognize and value something or someone. Example: “I really appreciate the effort you’ve put into this project.”
8. Desear (To Wish)
Express a strong desire or want something intensely. Example: “I wish you all the best in your new job.”
9. Temer (To Fear)
Feel fear or worry about something. Example: “I fear that the project won’t be ready on time.”
10. Esperar (To Hope)
To expect or hope for something to happen. Example: “I hope we can meet soon.”
Essential Spanish Verbs to Talk About Relationships and Behavior

11. Confiar (To Trust)
To have faith or confidence in someone or something. Example: “I trust you to handle this situation.”
12. Respetar (To Respect)
Show consideration and recognition for others. Example: “It’s important to respect everyone’s opinions.”
13. Discutir (To Discuss)
Discuss a topic, sometimes with disagreement. Example: “We discussed the best strategies for the company.”
14. Negociar (To Negotiate)
Seek an agreement between two or more parties. Example: “The manager is negotiating with suppliers to get better prices.”
15. Compartir (To Share)
Distribute something among several people or use it in common. Example: “I like to share my knowledge with others.”
Essential Spanish Verbs for Decision Making

16. Decidir (To Decide)
To choose one option among several. Example: “I decided to take a Spanish course to improve my skills.”
17. Planificar (To Plan)
Organize a plan to achieve a future goal. Example: “We planned our vacation months in advance.”
18. Seleccionar (To Select)
Choose among several available options. Example: “I selected the best candidate for the position.”
19. Evaluar (To Evaluate)
Analyze and judge the importance or value of something. Example: “We need to evaluate the project results.”
20. Determinar (To Determine)
Establish or decide something after analysis. Example: “We determined that the best strategy is to launch the product in March.”
Essential Spanish Verbs to Describe Daily Actions

21. Cocinar (To Cook)
You use this verb to describe preparing food. A basic and common verb in everyday life. Example: “I’m going to cook a special dinner for the family.”
22. Limpiar (To Clean)
To remove dirt from a place or thing. Example: “You should clean your room before leaving.”
23. Trabajar (To Work)
Perform a task, especially in the context of a job. Example: “I work in a tech company.”
24. Estudiar (To Study)
Dedicate time to learning something. Example: “I need to study for tomorrow’s exam.”
25. Viajar (To Travel)
Move from one place to another, especially over long distances. Example: “Next year I want to travel to Latin America.”
Essential Spanish Verbs to Express Luck and Fate

26. Ganar (To Win)
Obtain something, usually as a result of effort. Example: “I won the photography contest.”
27. Perder (To Lose)
Not achieve what was expected or not win. Example: “I lost my wallet in the park.”
28. Encontrar (To Find)
Discover something you were searching for. Example: “I finally found the solution to the problem.”
29. Arriesgar (To Risk)
Expose yourself to danger or an uncertain situation. Example: “I decided to take a risk and start my own business.”
30. Conseguir (To Achieve)
Accomplish or reach something desired. Example: “I got the job of my dreams.”
Essential Spanish Verbs to Talk About Honesty and Frankness

31. Decir (To Say)
Express in words what you think or feel. Example: “I’m going to tell you the truth.”
32. Revelar (To Reveal)
Make known something hidden or unknown. Example: “He revealed his true feelings during the conversation.”
33. Admitir (To Admit)
Accept that something is true, especially when it’s difficult to do so. Example: “He finally admitted that he made a mistake.”
34. Confesar (To Confess)
Recognize and declare the truth about something, especially about an error. Example: “He confessed that he lied to avoid problems.”
35. Prometer (To Promise)
Commit to doing something. Example: “I promise I will never let you down.”
Essential Spanish Verbs to Talk About Imagination and Ideas

36. Soñar (To Dream)
Imagine things while sleeping or wish for something strongly. Example: “I dream of being a writer someday.”
37. Imaginar (To Imagine)
Form images or concepts in the mind. Example: “I imagine what it would be like to live in a different city.”
38. Inventar (To Invent)
Create something new that didn’t exist before. Example: “He invented a board game that became very popular.”
39. Crear (To Create)
Produce something new from imagination or skill. Example: “He loves to create music in his free time.”
40. Pensar (To Think)
Form ideas in the mind, reflect or consider something. Example: “I’m thinking about making a career change.”
Essential Spanish Verbs to Talk About Economy and Spending

41. Ahorrar (To Save)
Keep money or resources for future use. Example: “I’m saving to buy a house.”
42. Gastar (To Spend)
Use money or resources. Example: “I spent a lot on Christmas shopping.”
43. Invertir (To Invest)
Place money into something to gain a benefit. Example: “I decided to invest in the stock market.”
44. Prestar (To Lend)
Give something to someone with the expectation of getting it back. Example: “I lent my friend some money.”
45. Cobrar (To Charge)
Receive money for a job or service. Example: “I got paid yesterday.”
Essential Spanish Verbs to Talk About Health and Well-Being

46. Ejercitar (To Exercise)
Perform physical activities to maintain or improve health. Example: “I try to exercise at least three times a week.”
47. Comer (To Eat)
Ingest food for nourishment. Example: “You should eat more fruits and vegetables.”
48. Descansar (To Rest)
Take time off to recover energy. Example: “It’s important to rest after a long day.”
49. Dormir (To Sleep)
Spend time in a state of deep rest. Example: “I try to sleep at least eight hours every night.”
50. Relajarse (To Relax)
Release physical or mental tension. Example: “After work, I like to relax by listening to music.”
How to Continue Improving Your Spanish
Mastering these 50 essential Spanish verbs is a significant step toward improving your fluency in Spanish. However, learning a language is an ongoing process that requires consistent practice. If you’re looking for a structured and entertaining way to deepen your knowledge of essential Spanish verbs, resources like Spanish Expressions can be a great help. This book offers detailed explanations and practical