30 Colombian Spanish Expressions You Need to Know

30 Colombian Spanish Expressions You Need to Know


30 Colombian Spanish Expressions You Need to Know

Spanish in Colombia is a vibrant and diverse reflection of the country’s culture. It’s full of unique expressions that you need to know if you want to immerse yourself in the everyday language. The language has a distinct style that varies from region to region. If you’re learning Spanish, these 30 expressions will help you communicate like a true Colombian.

1. Expressions to Describe Situations or Emotions

How cool!

Colombians often use this expression to describe something positive or enjoyable. It’s a colloquial way to say that something is great or awesome.

Example: “How cool is that song, I love it!”


This word refers to the feeling of not wanting to do something due to a lack of interest or motivation.

Example: “I felt lazy about getting up early today.”

That’s great!

You can use this expression to show approval or happiness about something.

Example: “That’s great that you passed the exam!”

Good vibes

This phrase is used to describe someone who has a positive attitude or brings positive energy.

Example: “She always brings good vibes to the meetings.”


This expression is a mild way to convey surprise or amazement.

Example: “Wow! I didn’t expect to see you here.”

Feeling sick

Colombians often use this phrase to describe how they feel after drinking too much alcohol.

Example: “I’m feeling sick from what I drank last night.”

2. Expressions to Refer to People


People use this term to refer to a close friend, especially in a very informal context.

Example: “Buddy, see you at the park?”

Guy / Girl

You can use these terms informally to refer to a young man or woman.

Example: “That guy is really nice.”

Being in love

This phrase describes someone who feels love for another person.

Example: “He’s so in love that he can’t stop thinking about her.”

Being the best

People use this phrase to describe someone who thinks they’re superior or more important than others.

Example: “She always acts like she’s the best at everything.”

3. Expressions for Warnings or Caution

Watch out!

Colombians often use this phrase to warn someone about danger or a situation where they need to be alert.

Example: “Watch out for the dog, it might bite!”

Stay alert

This phrase indicates that someone should stay alert or pay attention to something.

Example: “Stay alert to the signs on the road, it’s important.”

Don’t take risks

Colombians use this expression to advise someone to avoid putting themselves in a dangerous or risky situation.

Example: “Don’t take risks, put your phone away when you walk down the street.”

4. Expressions for Everyday Activities

Black coffee

In Colombia, it’s common to order “black coffee” instead of using the international term for this drink.

Example: “I had a black coffee this morning to wake up.”

Work hard

Colombians often use this expression to describe work that requires a lot of effort or dedication.

Example: “This week we have to work hard to meet our goals.”

Get together

This verb describes when a group of people meets to spend time together.

Example: “We’re going to get together at the plaza after class.”


People use this verb to describe the act of partying or taking part in a celebration.

Example: “We’re going to celebrate your birthday this weekend.”


Colombians often use this word when someone makes comments in a joking manner, without bad intentions.

Example: “Don’t take it seriously, I’m just joking.”

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5. Expressions for Immediate Action

Right now!

This expression indicates that something needs to be done immediately, without delay.

Example: “I need you to finish that task right now.”

6. Expressions to Describe Things or Situations


Colombians use this term to refer to alcoholic beverages in general.

Example: “We had some liquor at the gathering last night.”


This adjective describes something or someone that provokes laughter or is amusing.

Example: “That joke was really funny.”


People commonly use this word to refer to money in general.

Example: “I don’t have money to go out tonight.”

The last one standing

This phrase is often used to describe something or someone that is unique or considered the best among others.

Example: “He thinks he’s the last one standing when it comes to music taste.”

The last drop

This phrase is used to describe something that is scarce or nearly finished, often in a competitive or exclusive sense.

Example: “He grabbed the last drop of the coffee before anyone else could.”

7. Expressions for Social Interactions

Being left out

This phrase describes the feeling of being excluded or not included in a group or activity.

Example: “She felt left out when they didn’t invite her to the party.”

Being nosy

This phrase is used to describe someone who is overly curious about other people’s business.

Example: “Stop being nosy, it’s none of your business.”

Hanging out

This phrase is used when friends spend time together casually, without any specific plans.

Example: “We’re just hanging out at my place tonight.”

Helping out

This phrase is used to describe offering assistance or support to someone in need.

Example: “He’s always helping out his neighbors.”

Standing someone up

This phrase is used to describe not showing up for an arranged meeting or date.

Example: “She stood him up at the restaurant last night.”

Immerse Yourself in Colombian Spanish Expressions

These 30 Colombian Spanish expressions represent just a small fraction of the varied and vibrant Spanish spoken in Colombia. Learning them will allow you to better understand everyday conversations and, therefore, connect more deeply with the local culture.

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