25 Health Expressions to Master Intermediate Spanish
Learning Spanish goes beyond understanding grammar and vocabulary; it’s about mastering the nuances and expressions that native speakers use in everyday conversations. When it comes to health, knowing the right phrases can be crucial, especially if you find yourself in a Spanish-speaking country. This article will introduce you to 25 health expressions that will not only boost your Spanish skills but also prepare you for real-world interactions.
What Are Health Expressions in Spanish?
Health expressions in Spanish cover a wide range of phrases and terms that are commonly used to describe physical well-being, medical conditions, and even mental health. These expressions are integral for effective communication, whether you’re visiting a doctor, discussing symptoms with a friend, or simply talking about health in general.
Common Health Expressions in Spanish
Below are 25 essential health expressions that every intermediate Spanish learner should know. These phrases are commonly used in various situations, from casual conversations to more formal medical consultations.

1. Me duele… (It hurts…)
This is one of the most basic but crucial phrases. You can use it to describe pain in any part of your body. For example, “Me duele la cabeza” means “My head hurts.” The phrase can be adapted to different situations, such as “Me duele el estómago” (My stomach hurts) or “Me duele la garganta” (My throat hurts).
2. Tengo fiebre (I have a fever)
If you’re feeling unwell and have a temperature, this phrase will be your go-to. Having a fever is a common symptom of various illnesses, so knowing how to express this in Spanish is vital.
3. Estoy mareado/a (I feel dizzy)
Dizziness can be a symptom of various conditions, so it’s important to know how to express this feeling in Spanish. Whether it’s due to a sudden drop in blood pressure, dehydration, or another cause, being able to articulate this will help in receiving the right care.

4. Necesito ver a un médico (I need to see a doctor)
This is a vital phrase if you find yourself in need of medical assistance. Whether you’re in a clinic or asking someone for directions to the nearest hospital, this phrase is essential.
5. ¿Hay una farmacia cerca? (Is there a pharmacy nearby?)
In case you need medication, knowing how to ask for the nearest pharmacy is essential. Pharmacies are often the first place you visit when you feel unwell, so this phrase can be a real lifesaver.
6. Tengo náuseas (I feel nauseous)
Nausea can be a sign of illness, and this phrase will help you communicate it effectively. Whether it’s motion sickness or the flu, being able to express nausea is important.
7. Estoy resfriado/a (I have a cold)
A common phrase used to describe minor illnesses like a cold. You might also say, “Tengo un resfriado” (I have a cold), which is just as commonly used.
8. Me siento mejor/peor (I feel better/worse)
These phrases are useful when discussing your recovery or worsening condition. If you’ve been under the weather, these expressions will help you describe your progress or lack thereof.
9. Necesito descansar (I need to rest)
Sometimes, all you need is rest, and this phrase lets you communicate that clearly. Rest is often prescribed for recovery, and this phrase is helpful whether you’re at home or in a healthcare setting.
10. Tengo una alergia (I have an allergy)
If you suffer from allergies, this is an important phrase to know. Allergies can range from mild to severe, so knowing how to communicate this is essential, especially when discussing potential triggers or seeking medical advice.
Specialized Health Expressions
As you advance in your Spanish learning, you’ll encounter more specialized expressions that are used in specific contexts.

11. Tengo un dolor agudo (I have a sharp pain)
This expression is used to describe more intense or acute pain. Whether it’s a sudden pain in your abdomen or a sharp headache, this phrase is necessary to describe the severity of your symptoms.
12. Estoy bajo mucho estrés (I’m under a lot of stress)
Mental health is just as important as physical health, and this phrase can help you express stress-related feelings. Discussing stress is increasingly common in today’s world, making this a useful addition to your vocabulary.
13. He perdido el apetito (I’ve lost my appetite)
Loss of appetite can be a symptom of various conditions, and this phrase is useful in both casual and medical conversations. Whether it’s due to stress, illness, or another reason, being able to express this in Spanish is important.
14. Tengo dificultad para respirar (I have difficulty breathing)
Breathing issues are serious, and it’s crucial to know how to describe them. Whether it’s due to asthma, anxiety, or another condition, this phrase can be critical in getting the help you need.
15. Me siento fatigado/a (I feel fatigued)
Fatigue can be a sign of underlying health issues, so it’s important to communicate this clearly. Whether it’s due to a lack of sleep, overwork, or illness, expressing fatigue accurately can help in both medical and everyday contexts.
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Health Expressions for Emergency Situations
In emergencies, knowing the right expressions can make a significant difference.}
16. ¡Ayuda! (Help!)
A simple but powerful phrase that you should know in any language. This word can be used in various emergencies, making it one of the most important phrases to remember.
17. Llama a una ambulancia (Call an ambulance)
This phrase is essential in any emergency where medical assistance is required immediately. Whether you’re the one in need or you’re helping someone else, knowing this phrase can be life-saving.
18. Estoy teniendo un ataque de asma (I’m having an asthma attack)
If you or someone else is having an asthma attack, this phrase is critical. Asthma attacks require prompt action, and this phrase ensures that the situation is communicated clearly.
19. Me siento desmayado/a (I feel faint)
Feeling faint or lightheaded can be a precursor to losing consciousness, so it’s important to express this clearly. Whether you’re on the verge of fainting or just feeling lightheaded, this phrase can alert others to your condition.
20. No puedo mover… (I can’t move…)
If you’re unable to move a part of your body, this phrase will help you communicate that. This could be due to injury, paralysis, or another serious condition, making it a crucial phrase to know.
Everyday Health Expressions
These expressions are commonly used in everyday conversations about health and wellness.
21. Estoy en buena forma (I’m in good shape)

A positive expression to describe your physical condition. This phrase is often used in discussions about fitness, health routines, and overall well-being.
22. Necesito una revisión médica (I need a check-up)
Routine check-ups are essential for maintaining good health, and this phrase helps you schedule one. Regular health exams are a part of a healthy lifestyle, and this phrase will help you make appointments or discuss your health with a doctor.
23. Estoy a dieta (I’m on a diet)
If you’re watching what you eat, this phrase will come in handy. Whether you’re discussing your diet with friends or explaining why you’re skipping dessert, this phrase is useful.
24. Tomo vitaminas diariamente (I take vitamins daily)
Expressing your daily health habits can lead to more engaging conversations. This phrase is often used in discussions about nutrition, wellness, and self-care.
25. Me siento relajado/a (I feel relaxed)
Feeling relaxed is an important part of overall well-being, and this phrase is useful in many contexts. Whether after a good workout, a meditation session, or simply after a restful weekend, expressing relaxation is key to discussing mental and physical health.
How to Practice These Health Expressions
Mastering these health expressions in Spanish takes practice. Here are a few tips to help you incorporate them into your daily routine:
- Use Flashcards: Create flashcards with the Spanish phrase on one side and the English translation on the other. Review them regularly to reinforce your memory. This method is especially useful for memorizing phrases and testing yourself regularly.
- Watch Spanish Media: Pay attention to how native speakers use these expressions in TV shows, movies, or podcasts. This can give you context on how to use them naturally. Watching medical dramas or health-related shows in Spanish can be particularly beneficial.
- Speak with Native Speakers: If possible, engage in conversations with native Spanish speakers. They can provide real-time feedback and help you improve your pronunciation and usage. Conversations about health can be more relaxed and personal, making them great opportunities to practice these expressions.
Why Health Expressions Matter for Intermediate Spanish Learners

By incorporating these 25 health expressions into your vocabulary, you’ll be better prepared for various situations, from casual conversations to urgent medical needs. To further enhance your Spanish, explore Intermediate Spanish Short Stories, a resource that offers engaging narratives to boost your skills.
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