Having fun is the quickest way to learn a new language


new language



When a child learns something new, it’s usually because he or she is having fun. As we grow up and become more serious, we forget that, by far, the easiest way to learn something new is by having fun. 
And because most people have forgotten, learning a new language is, therefore, often a great barrier to many who have spoken only one language in their lives. We’re here to tell you that becoming a polyglot will be the most enjoyable learning experience in your life!

Activate your senses

There are elements in our daily life we easily underestimate. Many of these are activities we like doing and therefore don’t consider important enough with more, seemingly, serious tasks like learning a new language. Do you like music? Do you like movies? How about reading? You already became a kung-fu master in your own language not by doing what you hate, but by doing what you enjoy. Try simply watching your favourite TV-shows with subtitles in the foreign language you’re interested in. Look up your favourite music genre in your prospective language, and sing along using the lyrics! Find (comic) books that you like or may even have already read in your own language. Start simple and work your way up. And even if you’re not a particularly great bookworm, doing this in another language can instantly take the adventures to another level! Whether or not it’s something you normally like to do, doing this in a different language can offer the extra level of challenge that still makes you want to continue. There are also a great many movies which aren’t spoken in English, which might be worth discovering.

Don’t be afraid of having fun

When you already understand the underlying concepts of what you are watching, reading or listening to, your mind is much more open. And since these are activities you enjoy, remembering comes naturally, because we, as humans, appreciate good times, and want to forget the bad. By extension, if you learn a new language under pressure or unwillingly, learning is hard. Learning a new language can already be difficult enough, that every bit of joy should be wringed out of the experience.

Beat your misconceptions

When I was young, I remember my mother trying to learn English by studying the dictionary. I found it deterring, and I got the feeling that it meant serious business. In addition, where I grew up, you are forced to learn at least two other languages besides your mother tongue. As time went on, it became something of a truth that you had to learn languages because the school or parents said so. That’s a horrible way to go, and these are misconceptions that will do you no good. Indeed, learning a new language shouldn’t have to be mechanically studying your dictionary.

Related: Having fun is the quickest way to learn a new language

I know that place!

Just like when you watch a movie set in your country, city or places you’ve visited, learning a language is awesome for the same reason. When you encounter words or expressions you recently learned and happened to remember, you’re going to have that “I know that place!” moment, because you enjoyed seeing it again in a context you remember. Use that associative strategy to your advantage. That funny expression you remember involving two camels on a sailing boat will make you laugh the next time you unexpectedly see it again!

Wake up tomorrow wanting more

You know that feeling when you wake up one day and remember today is the day when we get to go watch that game, or today granny comes over for Thanksgiving? Similarly, you might find yourself waking up in anticipation of what new words or expressions you’re going to learn today! So, the next time you might be thinking “Oh no, I have to sit down and study again”, remember, studying doesn’t merely mean boring exercise books and audio tapes. Many people have already proven that you can learn a new language solely by doing what you like, and children are a perfect example of this.

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