Benefits of learning a second language: Beyond better job opportunities

Benefits of learning a second language

Benefits of learning a second language

Learning a foreign language: Beyond better job opportunities.

Every language student knows that one of the benefits of learning a second language is the possibility of landing a better job and also being able to study abroad…

It sounds AWESOME right?

But these aren’t the only reasons why the benefits of learning a second language are freakingly rewarding.

learn a new language and travel

The benefits of learning a second language are endless.

There are also amazing results that come as a consequence of learning a new language most people don’t even know, but should, since this could be the beginning of a new life full of opportunities and fulfilling experiences. Let’s explore the actual reasons why language learning can be so crucial to your personal growth:

1. A new language makes you (not only smarter) more creative.

Some people say that learning a second language makes you smarter.

And you know what? It’s TRUE.

The thing is:

This is not the only consequence;  since, when learning, you have to bring all your attention to the table in order to relate different concepts and ideas.

During this process your brain grows new connections which helps you develop skills not only to understand some grammar difficulties but also to solve other kind of problems that involve deep thinking and relating different concepts.


In addition, you also have to figure out different ways to say the same thing (since you are still learning the correct way) which boosts your creativity.

(P.S. If you’re looking for a FAST way to start your learning journey download our FREE Guide here)

2. It makes traveling easier and a better experience.

Speaking more than one language allows you to communicate with more people, which can be convenient if you are traveling abroad, even if your second language is not very common.

learn languages while you travel

Think about it:

It’s easier to find people that speak a language in common if you speak more than only one!

On the other hand, when you travel there are always people from all over the world, and speaking their native language makes you easier to establish stronger ties with them faster than if you spoke a language that they simply understand but don’t feel comfortable speaking.

YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: Why language and culture are inseparable

3. A foreign language helps you win people’s confidence

Now we are gonna explore the benefits of learning a second language from a different point of view, a more subjective one.

Let me paint the picture here:

You are in a hotel in Brazil, your mother language is Spanish and you speak some English. A French guy who’s staying at the same hotel as you also speaks some English. You two meet at the lobby, have a cup of coffee, and after 20 minutes of talking about how nice is this hotel and how bad can coffee be in such a cool place, you go to your next destination as you had it planned.

What happened here???

You got along well, spent some time together, talked for a few minutes and continued your journey as normal. It sounds great, but it could have been better.

You’re probably wondering:

“They both were able to communicate in a language they had in common!”

And you’re right BUT:

When you talk to someone in his native language you trigger an unconscious feeling of understanding, the receiver understands that you are making your best to speak his native language and he automatically feels EMPATHY, which can help you to establish a nice relationship way easier than if you just spoke a language you two have in common.

This situation doesn’t only happen in hotels or tourist places but EVERYWHERE. In this globalized world it’s easier to find people from around the globe traveling, studying or working where we live and it’s only up to you to embrace the advantages of learning a new language and enjoy cultural exchange.

4. You have more things in common, ergo it’s easier to make good friends.

The last example was perfect to explain how important a second language is when it comes to meeting new people and gaining their confidence thanks to empathy.

Now let’s go further and analyze how you could make good friends and enjoy the benefits of learning a second language. Excited? Let’s go!

Once you meet somebody, you first try to find things you two have in common, exchange knowledge about it, and if you get along well you can meet later to do those things, like playing sports or watching movies; in a nutshell that’s the normal process.

learn foreign language new friends bart milhouse simpsons

But here’s the secret:

When you meet someone who is learning a new language or went already through the same process, it instantly turns into a great topic you two have in common.

Even if are not learning the same language, everyone who’s had to learn a new language knows how hard it is become fluent.

And BAM! You have the perfect ice breaker. Awesome!

From that point you will find a variety of topics to talk about. You don’t need to think further, just follow the river and enjoy the benefits of being multilingual.

5. A new language improves your communications skills.

Something very interesting happens while you learn a foreign language:

When you start practicing your speaking you need to talk about all kinds of stuff, such as the things you like, dislike, your feelings, what annoys you the most and so on. You must talk about things you normally don’t and as a consequence you improve your communication skills.

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This allows you to be more easy going and be open to new conversations you probably weren’t thinking you’d have, which is a good thing when it comes to learning more about other people and different cultures.

Now it’s your turn:

Now that you’ve discovered the many benefits of learning a second language by yourself, I’d like to hear from you.

Is there any other advantage of learning a foreign language? Or maybe you have something to say about the 5 presented above? 

Either way, leave your comments below.

I’ll be happy to answer your questions and discover other points of view.

Finally, how should you start with a new language? In the following article you’ll find 5 ways to start with a new language that will boost your language learning journey from day ONE 😉

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